Professional Services Survey

Professional Services Survey

We would appreciate your participation in a short survey as background for white paper on “The Impact of Employees Digital Presence on Professional Services Marketing”.

We are asking for your email & info to provide context on who participated and share the final study with you in June 2017. Your personal information will not be shared.

Objective is to gather input from marketing leaders in consulting, accounting, law, advertising, wealth management and other professional services firms in North America, to help us all get better understanding of this growing trend.

  • What % of marketers see opportunity to leverage employee’s digital presence in their program?
  • What are the success metrics for this type of initiative?
  • What % of leadership in our industry aligned with this idea?
  • How many of your peers already have a program in-market?
  • What results & learnings are they seeing?
  • What do we collectively need to accelerate adoption of these programs?

This survey will only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

Thank you.
Brendan Kenalty, CMO @itracMarketer